Harmony's Picture Warehouse

An image of an embroided flower framed on a wall A framed image of a bunch of roses

If you're proud of it

It should be on display.

We frame more than just photos.

We frame memories.

Here at Harmony's, we are not your traditional framing company. While many companies offer framing services for photography or artistic prints, we will frame absolutely anything. If you want to display it, we'll frame it - whether it's your child's first pair of shoes or those golf clubs you used for that perfect game.

The perfect presentation for your:

Put us to work for you.

  • Photos

  • Embroidery

  • Family heirlooms

  • Golf clubs

  • Wedding dress

We offer reasonable prices and a friendly, 'can do' attitude. Bring us those items you've always wanted to display, and we'll make it happen.


Looking for more?  We can create beautiful 3-dimensional centrepieces or favours for your wedding or commemorative awards for your company or sports organization. Contact us today to discuss your needs.

Display your memories today.

01376 562 225

07739 080 858